Desaign Of Audio Visual Media “SI MERAH” (Edukasi Manajemen ASI Perah) In An Effort To Increase Exlusive Breast Milk
Audio visual media Dairy breastfeeding, Exclusive breastfeedingAbstract
Background Babies who are not exclusively breastfed are at risk of experiencing infectious diseases, chronic diseases, and nutritional problems, if not handled further will result in stunting. The exclusive breastfeeding coverage of Tasikmalaya City in 2022 is 70.01% and Cibeureum Health Center is 56.07%. Indonesia sets a target of exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months of 80%. Some of the causes of low exclusive breastfeeding coverage are lack of health education, lack of maternal knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding and dairy breastfeeding, the increasingly widespread promotion of formula milk, working mothers, maternal age, and maternal and infant health, so health education media about exclusive breastfeeding and dairy breastfeeding are needed to facilitate exclusive breastfeeding coverage. Purpose Creating audio visual media SI MERAH (Edukasi Manajemen ASI Perah) is an educational media based on animated videos about dairy breastfeeding management. Methods Research using Research and Development (R&D) consists of 9 research steps, namely, potential problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product trials, product revisions, usage trials and product revisions. The sampling technique uses proportional random sampling. The number of product trial samples was 8 third trimester pregnant women and the trial use of 49 second and third trimester pregnant women. Results Final assessment of material experts 4.86 categories very feasible, media experts 4.96 categories very feasible. The value of small-scale product trials of 3.9 categories is feasible and large scale use trials of 4.74 categories are very feasible. Conclusion SI MERAH audio visual media is in the very decent category.